Sunday, August 24, 2008

Choosey Mofos Choose Jiff

Last night I was out with Mama. She'd come to town for the Outside Outlander Outdoor Pay $300 to See Radiohead but Pretend You Like the Other Bands so You Don't Feel Like A John Festival. We hadn't seen each other since Sutro played in SLO, and I had deluded myself that J was out of the country, pining away for me in the same way that I was pining away for her. The relevance there is that Mama introduced me to J, so seeing her again made for a pretty decent elephant-in-the-room moment.

So now it's Sunday morning, and there's still a residual sad, bitter, elephant smell lingering in the nose of my heart. J's great- I don't have anything against her (other than a perceived inability to open up on a personal level, which I still don't hold against her, because really her ego just needs a Pele sized kick in the pants)- what bug's me, is that I don't make connections with cool chicks like her very often.

I think of myself as very instinctual, though others have called it picky, judgmental, and arrogant. Semantics. I don't play the field. I don't date around. Maybe it's pheremones, ESP, resonant frequencies, or something else that I will discount as hippie BS, but I always know. I don't know if it will be love, friendship, or booty call, but I always know.

That doesn't mean that I'm not open to surprises...

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