Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How can we be friends if we can't be lovers?

Sorry to punish the earholes of your mind with a Michael Bolton reference, but it was the first thing that came to mind, and lately, if I think too much about what I'm going to post, I start thinking about something else.

As all five of my faithful readers know,  I don't have the settle-down genome in my DNA. Having a career and a family is not something I have thought too much about. On the other hand, as I get further on with my life, I see people that I don't want to become...

-The 40 year-old dating a college student
-Dennis Hopper in 'River's Edge'
-One those people wearing clothes that are only hip on people half their age (or wears newer versions of the clothes that were hip when he was half his age)
-That guy at the bar whom everyone knows, but secretly wonders what he's still doing at the bar at his age when it's last call on a Monday night?
-Someone who shocks his entire social network by saying, "have you met my new girlfriend?"

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