Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I don't know what to call it.

Character flaw
Bad habit
Natural predisposition
Polysyllabic synonym for stupid

However one may label it, I have to put a lid on it. I have to stop putting all my eggs in one basket. Actually, no. I have to stop putting the golden egg in one basket. I haven't even had a golden egg, they've all been gold plated, and once the paint chips off, I realize I have nothing but a plain old egg that has been sitting out too long and started to smell funny. There I was, putting all this emotional intensity into having the omelette of my dreams, and now I got a rotten egg. Before anyone reading this starts thinking I consider them rotten eggs, understand that I am all about the omelette- cracking the shell and getting to what is underneath. So really (in case these metaphor wasn't obtuse enough*), what I'm after is the goose that lays the golden egg, so we can make the perfect omelette. Though that would be an extra perverse form of cannibalism on the goose's part.

I'm getting sidetracked- the geese in my life have laid eggs that I inevitably turn into golden eggs in my mind, regardless of the goose's feeling in the matter. What I think I need to do, is not hold one goose above all others in anticipation of the golden egg (and the perfect omelette), and not let one goose get my gander, whatever that means. Ducks lay eggs, chickens lay eggs, fish lay eggs, ostriches lay eggs, penguins lay eggs, dinosaurs lay eggs, some guy in Bulgaria laid an egg, according to the National Inquirer. Point is, I can be very intense, and very obsessive, and while a serious attention to detail can make a great omelette, I have to remember that the egg is a gift from the right goose, and that is where a perfect omelette begins.

I can't imagine how bizarre my metaphors would get if I took a serious interest in mind altering drugs...

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San Francrisco, CA, United States