Friday, July 25, 2008


I don't believe in astrology. However, I do believe in the Vinson Theory of Astrolological Relativity. Don't bother googling it, I just made up the name, but a friend of mine did come up with a theory that explains the significance of being born at different times of the year.

About 70% of the Earth is water. 97% of that water is in the oceans. The amount of water in any given part of the ocean at any given time (the tide) is controlled by the position of the sun and the moon. These celestial bodies move this massive amount of water enough to change its levels by a few feet to several yards every day, depending on the time of year, and have an effect on the ecological system of the entire planet. Low and high tides in January are measurably different than low and high tides in June. It would stand to reason, humans, who are 60% water, are equally affected, even if it is a bit more subtle.  If you accept that logic, then it isn't much of a stretch to say that the variations of the sun and moon's gravitational pull during the year will have dramatically different affects on our developing minds while we are in the womb.
Those effects are what would produce different personality types at different times of the year.

We are all different types of people. What gets me, is how everybody has to fit in a box; even in laid-back, progressive, open-minded San Francisco. Here, one has to deal with reverse engineered bias and stereotyping. Don't try to tell me that a group of glammed out Marina girls wouldn't get just as much derision and scorn walking into Zeitgeist as a group of skinny-jeaned Mission hipsters would get walking into Matrix Filmore. Why is it so hard to believe that both groups of people just might share broad tastes? They just might listen to the Descendents as much as Coldplay. They might drink just as much PBR and 2 buck Chuck as they do Chimay and Hoya de Cadenas 2002. They might have sleeve tats and Prada in the closet.

I would almost rather deal with people who know their douchebag potential, than people who pretend to be broad-minded, yet are just as narrow of vision as the people they shun.

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