Saturday, August 16, 2008

The M in KLM

I should be sleeping right this very second.
Before I started writing, I was getting a ride from the M in KLM.
Before I got a ride, she and I snugged on the floor of her empty apartment, imitating sleep for all of 2 hours.
Before imitating sleep, KLM was in full effect- dinner at Farmer Brown, drinks at Whisky Thieves, and more drinks at Amber.
Before KLM, The M in KLM and I packed her apartment into a truck.
Before we packed the truck, we had to figure out where 7th crosses Cesar Chavez (it doesn't)
Before figuring that out, The M in KLM packed while I drank wine and provided moral support.

The M in KLM is on the road right now, and she's a little apprehensive about dropping everything and moving back to Seattle.

And by apprehensive, I mean scared witless.

She has every right to be scared by making such a major change in her life, but then again, this is Miranda.

And by Miranda, I mean awesome.

I love you, too- coin slot and all

...and by love, I mean doggy

1 comment:

anon said...

Things are finally starting to settle down, thank god. I just beed to get a giant sleeper sofa out of my room and get the rest of my stuff unpacked.

I'm definitely less scared, but I'm even more apprehensive, especially because the weather here leaves my coin slot dry and chapped. I need to kick coin slot dryness to the curb.

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San Francrisco, CA, United States